Abstract 714
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. One of the treatment options for breast cancer is doxorubicin-based chemotherapy but various treatment outcome and toxicities have been observed among different individuals. Neutropenia is one of the common hematologic side effect may be occurred during doxorubicin-based chemotherapy that can be considered as a life threatening factor for the breast cancer patients. ABCB1 and SLC22A16 genes encode two significant proteins that are involved in doxorubicin transportation.
In this study, we explored the effect of two common polymorphisms of ABCB1 (rs10276036) and SLC22A16 (rs12210538) genes in outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia in Iranian breast cancer patients using ARMS-PCR and sequencing methods. The results were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics software ver. 23.
Our results showed no significant association between the mentioned gene polymorphisms with outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia. But higher frequency of wild type allele C of ABCB1 (rs10276036) and wild type allele A of SLC22A16 (rs12210538) genes polymorphism in the case group represent their more effect in outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia whereas higher frequency of mutant type allele T of ABCB1 (rs10276036) and mutant type allele G of SLC22A16 (rs12210538) genes polymorphism in the control group represent their protective effect in outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia. Furthermore, there was a statistical meaningful association between clinical manifestations such as cancer stage IIIC (p: 0.037) and existence of other diseases (p: 0.026) in addition to breast cancer with outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia.
Our results indicate to evaluate outbreak risk of grade 3/4 neutropenia consideration of molecular and clinical findings could be helpful in screening of high risk breast cancer patients for outbreak of grade 3/4 febrile neutropenia.
Legal entity responsible for the study
Medical Genetics Department of National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Radiation Oncology Department of shohadaye 7Tir hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences
Medical Genetics Department of National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Radiation Oncology Department of shohadaye 7Tir hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences
All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.